Skrux – If You (Original Mix) [Bonus: Free Download Pack]

When considering the music industry, it’s kind of funny how fame and fortune can come to people so quickly. In my opinion, this is generally an unfortunate circumstance for the parties involved. Setting aside any obvious clichéd premonitions about the folks we watch or read about in Hollywood, becoming famous for one’s own “artistic endeavors” will eventually (IN MANY CIRCUMSTANCES) modulate a particular fashion of complacency within the individual who’s experiencing fame’s fallouts.

Call it “selling out,” call it what you want. I don’t care really. It blows anyway you label it.

From the day I acquired my first compact disc, until the day I die, I will forever be haunted with the wasted potentials of musicians I had once loved. This inevitable senescence in the quality of a musician’s work is ironic really. The very same craft that launched them into the limelight can duplicitously be the cause of their own demise.

Well, maybe its not exactly “self-inflicted,” as I imagine the big-wig record labels are quite capable of applying plenty of pressure upon an emerging artist and their musical methods. I would also guess that said talents are not nearly well enough equipped to consider the entire spectrum of outlets available to display the fruits of their labors. Considering the accessibility of information these days via the internet, I would hope more new artists are pursuing the right options for themselves.

However, this is the artist’s own work we are discussing here. If someone does something that well, they should have no problem finding a place where they can accomplish their own vision, while simultaneously maintaining complete artistic control and possibly even making a little bit of cash in the process.

…and that is exactly where this next Arlington, Texas-based 19 year-old comes in. Well, maybe not the cash part. I have no idea what he makes. Either way, he needs to give some of it to me…just kidding, or am I?

You’ll never know.

(Unless you’re here right now. Silently leering at me from your hidden refuge as I type out this very sentence )




Okay, I think they’re gone now. Anywho…


Kaylan C. Brown, who goes by the moniker Skrux, has been making waves for the past couple years doing what he does best, producing electronic dance music. However, what interests me so much about young Kaylan is that he knowingly decides to garner attention in a place very few musicians decide to look after achieving a particular level of success in the music industry.

Where you ask? Well, it’s actually in the most obvious place – his fanbase.

Skrux does NOT even want a label to release his music. He has absolutely no problem releasing absolutely any and every solo project he’s created for free download on his various social media outlets. It’s easy to be a fan when the man in pumping out some of the highest quality, most innovative EDM jams I have heard in the last couple of years. Not only does Skrux leave his fans satiated with these past few examples, but he actively reaches out to the people that love him for only one thing, his music. Using several different platforms, Kaylan is always posting questions directed towards those who love his tunes (and he actually answers in a rather timely fashion).

He wants real feedback from the real individuals who have given him his success.

With no signs of stopping anytime soon, Skrux is shaking up the EDM game and setting an unprecedented example in the meantime. High quality work only comes from vast amounts of hard work, sweat and tears. It most certainly does not come from already being a success to begin with.

Thank you Skrux.

I urge you to check out Mr. Brown’s most recent composition below, an original jam titled “If You.”

If you like this one don’t fret, below I’ve also included an entirely free collection of my favorite tracks from Skrux.

You can download them HERE.

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BONUS – FREE DOWNLOAD PACK: Skrux’s Greatest Jams Vol. 1